Monday, January 14, 2013


Just wrapped up the first day of lab number one and I absolutely loved it.  We spent two hours talking about blood pressure responses, ventilatory regulation and other shenanigans.. it was a blast. Let me just be honest/nerdy and admit that I'm so happy to be back in a classroom. Wait, I mean ugh... it sucked, I hate school, learning sucks, I'm ready for summer etc. (insert other annoying college kid complaints). Actually, that last part is partly true; I'm totally ready for summer. Every time I think that I want to move to Colorado, I walk outside and remember that I'm unbearably cold even at 60 degrees. As my eyeballs were freezing on the walk from my car to the science building, all I could think about was how I'm so ready to live in a swimsuit and have 100+ face melting temperatures. Bring it on, global warming. 

Anyway, so I just got home and made a quick breakfast with possibly my new favorite vegetable, rutabaga! It's a cross between wild cabbage and a turnip. It has almost the exact same color, texture and consistency as a regular potato, but without the bad dietary starch and insulin-damaging properties.

I wasn't feeling creative so I just made my regular eggs, bell peppers and mushrooms, then added a side of thinly sliced rutabaga to act as hashbrowns. Whip up some homemade ketchup and you have a party in your mouth. Before I ate Paleo, I was really big into hashbrowns, so making this amazing substitute was exciting for me because I love experimenting with new foods and I'm really obsessed with breakfast. There are probably a million ways to make it, but I made mine pretty simply this time. All you have to do is peel it (like a potato) and either thinly slice and dice it, or stick it in the food processor. Then, throw it in a skillet in a little olive oil and add a little sea salt and pepper. Super easy and delicious. 

Here's some other info if you're a food nerd like myself.
Rutabaga Nutrition 
100 grams or 3 1/2 ounces
Protein1.3 g1.2 g
Total Fat.6 g.6 g
% Calories from fat5.1%5.0%
Carbohydrates8.7 g8.1 g
Fiber1.8 g2.5 g
Calcium48.0 mg47.0 mg
Copper.04 mg.04 mg
Iron53 mg.52 mg
Magnesium23.0 mg23.0 mg
Manganese.17 mg.17 mg
Phosphorous.57 mg.58 mg
Potassium326.0 mg337.0 mg
Selenium.7 mg.7 mg
Sodium20.0 mg20.0 mg
Zinc.350 mg.340 mg
Vitamin A561.0 IU580.0 IU
Vitamin B1 ­ Thiamine.082 mg.090 mg
Vitamin B2 ­ Riboflavin.041 mg.040 mg
Vitamin B3 ­ Niacin.72 mg.7 mg
Vitamin B6 ­ Pyridoxine.102 mg.100 mg
Vitamin C18.8 mg25.0 mg
Vitamin E.15 mg.30 mg
Folate (folic acid).15 mcg.21 mcg
Pantothenic Acid.155 mg.160 mg
Saturated Fat.03 g.03 g
Monounsaturated Fat.07 g.07 g
Polyunsaturated Fat.04 g.04 g

Since I worked a lot with a stethoscope today, that makes this picture not only the cutest thing on the interwebs, but also very relevant. Have a good day!

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